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Linda Ray's

The great fiddle player from New York City, Mr. Tony De Marco, composed this reel for his friend Linda Hickman, herself a lovely flute player. When I heard this reel performed by Tony and Charlie Lennon on Tony's CD The Sligo Indian, I fell in love…

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Limerick Jig, The

Back in the early 1960s, I was very friendly with Mrs. Taylor, the concertina player from West Limerick who lived in London. We exchanged many letters over the years in which music was always a topic. The well-known flute player Paddy Taylor learned…

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Liam Rowsome's

The name Rowsome is ubiquitous in the world of Irish music. Down through the years I have had the honour of playing music with the piping master Leo Rowsome and with his children, Leon, Liam, and Helena. Fiddle player Liam Rowsome composed this tune…

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Letter from Home, A

I first heard this tune played by fiddle legend Mr. Paddy Cronin from County Kerry. Paddy had a gift for breathing new life into lesser-known tunes. This reel is performed for us here by Liz and Yvonne Kane, two well-known musicians from County…

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Leamanagh Castle

Flute player Frank Neylon had a repertoire of fine tunes associated with his native Kilnaboy in north County Clare. Frank was living in Boston, Massachusetts, when I arrived there from Ireland in the 1970s. He was well-known and respected by all as a…

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Laurel Martin's Jig

My musical colleague and friend Laurel Martin made this lovely tune. Laurel did not think highly of her composition, nor did she think it good enough for this collection. Laurel, I love your jig, as do many others who have heard it. Thanks for…

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Larry's Strange Jig

Ted McGraw has an amazing collection of music in his library. He sent me this recording of Larry Redican and suggested that it was 'a strange jig'. Ted doesn't know where the recording took place, and he has little or no information about the tune.…

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Larry Redican's in F Major

I am delighted to feature the fiddle playing of composer Larry Redican, who lived in New York City. This music comes to us from a recording he made for his friend Roger Casey, an Irish dancer from New York. Both of these gentleman would get together…

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Larry Redican's

Kevin Burke learned this tune from a tape of Larry Redican which I sent to him, one of a number of tapes given to me by dancing master Mr. Roger Casey. Kevin plays this jig in his own lonesome and swinging style.

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Larry Lynch's

This next tune comes from the playing of another fiddle player from County Kerry, the great master Paddy Cronin. When Paddy lived in Boston he always had his fiddle on the dining room table next to one of O'Neill's collections of music. Most every…

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Lament for Mick Mackey

Poet Críostóir Mac Gearailt penned the words of this song in tribute to one of Ireland's greatest sportsmen, the mighty Mick Mackey from Ahane, County Limerick. Mick Mackey played hurling for his native county in the 1930s and '40s, and…

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Lame Crowley

I knew that Billy McComiskey, Laura Byrne, and Donna Long, with their superlative musicianship, would be the right people to play this tune. I learned it many years ago from my long-time friend Mr. Larry Gavin. Billy was curious as to where the jig…

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Lagan River, The

David Curry's broadcasts from the BBC studios in Belfast were eagerly awaited in my home. He broadcast many fine tunes, including this one, which Nicole Rabata and I arranged for flute and fiddle. Not having the tune's original title, I have named it…

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Ladies of Leinster, The

I first heard this reel played by the man who influenced many musicians of my generation, the great Seán Maguire. Seán had a happy knack of transposing tunes to different keys than those that might have been originally documented. The…

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Killaloe Reel, The

My nephew Damien Connolly plays a reel of his own composition. In his words he tells us about his native Killaloe: 'I am very proud of my hometown of Killaloe, County Clare. I lived there for twelve years before moving to Ennis. Killaloe is my first…

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Kilfenora Barndance, The

This tune was one of the ones that I did not know on that tape sent to me over fifty years ago by Kitty Linnane, then leader of the famous Kilfenora Céilí Band (see 'Come to the Fair'). Indeed, many of the tunes on that tape were new to…

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Key in the Kiln, The

Monsignor Charles Coen recorded the jig on this track. In his own words, Father Charlie tells us what he knows about the tune: 'This tune "The Key in the Cill" or "The Key in the Kiln" was popular in Woodford when I was growing up. It was a great…

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Keith Corrigan's

I learned this tune from accordionist Keith Corrigan. Keith had a wonderful repertoire of fine old Irish and Québecois tunes. On one memorable visit to his home in Valcartier, north of Québec City ('God's Country', as he called it), we…

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Keith Corrigan's

Keith Corrigan played melodeon and had some grand old tunes including this jig. It is another of the tunes that he played for me at his home in Québec. It is played on this track by Damien, my nephew.

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Kathleen Lawrie's

Kathleen Lawrie, Bobbie's sister, recorded this reel for me when she visited me in Limerick in the early '70s. When Kathleen and her husband Tommy Boyle visited Sandy and me in Maine just a few years ago, I played the tune for her on the fiddle and…

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