Set dances

Collection Items

Fiddler Around the Faerie Tree, The
On the aforementioned occasion some forty years ago, Kathleen Lawrie played 'The Fiddler Around the Faerie Tree' for me as a set dance. Kathleen had learned the tune from dancing master Brendan de Glin from Derry. A shorter version of this tune may…

Stranger, The
Mrs. Crotty from the town of Kilrush in County Clare played this set dance for Ciarán Mac Mathúna's radio programmes, Ceolta Tire and A Job of Journeywork. I had the honour of playing it with Mrs. Crotty in her home many years ago. As I…

Queen of the Faeries
I learned this set dance from the playing of Larry Redican. Its first few measures seem to be related to the melody of an old tune – also a set dance – called 'The King of the Fairies'. And so, 'here's me' (an old Irish expression)…

For Denis Moynihan
Dancing master Denis Moynihan, as he was known before he officially changed his name to its Irish version, Donncha Ó Muineacháin, was a popular teacher of Irish dance. He was known throughout Ireland for his choreography and repertoire…

Blue-Eyed Rascal, The
A tune not often heard is this set dance. I am grateful to Mr. Larry Redican Jr. for giving me permission to present his father's performance of it in this collection. I have fond memories of Larry Sr. playing it for me in my home when I lived in…
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