Golden Flower, The


My long-time friend Bill Black, who lives on Cape Cod, would often send tunes to my wife Sandy that he had composed in her honour. Bill's compositions greatly cheered my dear wife during her illness. She particularly liked his tune 'How Are You, Sandy', or as Bill re-named it, 'Sandy Connolly's', a jig featured elsewhere in this collection played by yours truly.

I know that Sandy would be proud of this tune, 'The Golden Flower' (a translation of her full name, 'Chrysandra'), which Bill composed after she left us to go to her eternal reward. As soon as I heard it, I knew that I wanted it to be the first tune in this collection. I was moved to tears by Bill's gift.

The other gift associated with Bill's composition is this hauntingly beautiful performance of 'The Golden Flower' by our special friends Hilary and Duncan Cumming on violin and piano. Hilary and Duncan played at our wedding at Saint Anne's Church in Lowell, Massachusetts. I somehow feel that their playing of Bill Black's gift has eased Sandy's journey to the Land of Peace where she will have pain no more. She is watching over all of us. Thank you Bill, Hilary, and Duncan.


Séamus Connolly
Boston College Libraries
Some transcriptions are based on historical source recordings. More info.

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Cumming, Hilary Walther (violin), Cumming, Duncan J. (piano), and Black, Bill (composer), “The Golden Flower,” The Séamus Connolly Collection of Irish Music, accessed October 6, 2024,